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Result for the training at Bhavanisagar - 63, Batch has been published.

Course Completion Certificate for BHAVANISAGAR- 65 Batch has been published.


Considering the importance of Foundation Training for Government Ministerial Staff, the Government have decided to tone up the Training Machinery in CSTI, Bhavanisagar and took crucial steps like clearing the training backlog, approving the proposals to modernize the Institute and to elevate the Institute as a Nodal Training Institute, etc., The aim of the Government is to create vital facilities which would further improve the general ambience of the Institute, besides introducing the concept of Happy and Healthy Learning. Also emphasis is given on Clean & Green Institute.

Thrust has been given to develop and strengthen the training and related infrastructure facilities in the Institute so as to ensure the concept of Happy & Healthy Learning. For this various amenities in the Institute for improving the training skills / methodology and for the welfare of the trainees, were provided by using the funds sanctioned by the Government time to time.

The details are as under

CSTI, Bhavanisagar has the following facilities

Class Rooms

Fully Equipped & Air-Conditioned Class Rooms

Totally 11 class rooms are utilized for imparting foundational training. Among the 11 class rooms, 6 class rooms having the air-conditioned facility. All the class rooms are having the following amenities.

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A fully air-conditioned auditorium namely “Dr. Abdul Kalam Auditorium” is functioning in CSTI with the seating capacity of 685. It has advanced with audio system with sound proof facility. It is being used for the daily Morning Prayer, conducting special classes and cultural events etc.

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Modular Kitchen along with Dining Halls

A fully equipped modular Kitchen with advanced machineries is being run by the trainees themselves on sharing basis. The additional workers in the mess are employed and paid by the trainees themselves. Only vegetarian food is being served to the trainees. A sum of Rs. 6000.00 per trainee per batch is being collected towards mess charges.

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Trainees are accommodated in the following hostels during their training.

Hostels for Male Trainees

S.No Name of the Hostel Total Rooms available Occupant capacity
1 Nethaji 35 105
2 Kamban 35 105
3 27 81

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Sports & Yoga Activities

Likewise, Sports meet is also organized for every batch separately for men and women officers. In the class rooms, regular home works are given by the faculty members and to develop participatory teaching, the trainees are given topics to take lectures on their own.

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